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Sunday, May 1, 2016


Are You Ready For The World Naked Gardening Day?

world naked gardening day wngd

On every first Saturday of every year's May, we have a very special event which is called World Naked Gardening Day (WNGD). WNGD has been an annual tradition for people who want to celebrate and be in touch with the nature.

This is the 12th WNGD, and it is on Saturday, but wait, why should we garden naked? that's weird right ?!! But if you asked the group who founded WNGD they will have a pretty convincing answer. According to them, first of all, it is fun and that's maybe right, imagine yourself gardening while you are wearing no clothes, that's too fun. The second reason they founded this day, because we (as humans) have to connect with the nature, and we have to remember that we are only a one kind of the creatures on this planet, "Gardening naked is not only a simple joy, it reminds us--even if only for those few sunkissed minutes--that we can be honest with who we are as humans and as part of this planet." the WNGD website reads.

How To Celebrate WNGD ?

The WNGD website has a good plan for people who want to celebrate the WNGD and here it is:

"First of all, on the first Saturday of May, find an opportunity to get naked and do some gardening. Do so alone, with friends, with family, with your gardening club, or with any other group collected for that purpose. Do it inside your house, in your back yard, on a hiking trail, at a city park, or on the streets. Stay private or go public. Make it a quiet time or make it a public splash. Just get naked and make your part of the botanical world a healthier and more attractive place.

Secondly, tell someone about your experience. No one owns this event, so it does not really matter whom you tell, but tell someone . Tell your friends about your day of naked gardening; write down what you thought of it and email it to your local newspaper; post your thoughts and images onto an Internet site; submit stories and photos to your club newsletter"

Do you plan to celebrate the WNGD day? Share your thoughts in a comment below, and if you want some NSFW images about this day just google " World Naked Gardening Day ".

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